CVC Bingo is a picture matching game for teaching consonant vowel consonant words.
Memory Game: Place cards picture face down. – this will show the missing letter. Pick one – look at the picture and keep if it is on your board. Let everyone see the card and place back if you do not have. We play 1 go at a time.
The game ends when all the players have finished their boards.
Bingo Game: Caller shows and says the letter. There is only one matching picture on the boards with the missing letter – when the child says they have it they are given the card and place it on the picture. If no one responds the caller can show the picture or place the card letter up on the table. When all the cards are called the players play memory with the cards on the table. The game ends when all the players have finished their boards.
Print out a list of the words for the children to reference.
Have the children use the magnetic alphabet to make the words.
Contains 4 boards and 24 cards.
Ages 4+.
Game takes us around 10 minutes. We play with 2 boards each.
I would say Age 3+ is possible for Memory game by matching the image on the card to the image on the board.
It is possible to play a game where everyone uses all the boards.
One person picks up a card and searches the boards to find where to place it.
The cards can be placed in 1 – 4 stacks. This gives the player between 1- 4 options of which card to pick.
Turns are taken.
The child build an image library for the words